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Courses in winter term 2008/2009 / Master-Seminar Clustering / Script:

Note on Seminar Paper :

  • Due four weeks after end of term
  • 30 pages at most,
  • 3 hard copies(printed) and 1 soft copy (CD).

  • Note on Grades:
  • Marks will be based on presentation (including answers to questions), seminar paper, and general participation (e.g., asking questions),
  • bonuses for own experiments or implementations. If any, please also include in the CD.
  • Readings:

    0. Introduction
    A Tutorial on Clustering.

    1. Efficient clustering algorithms
    ZHANG, T., RAMAKRISHNAN, R., AND LIVNY, M. 1996. BIRCH: An efficient data clustering method for very large databases. SIGMOD Rec. 25, 2, 103–114.

    2. Clustering categorical data
    GUHA, S., RASTOGI, R., SHIM, K. 1999. ROCK: A Robust Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Attributes. In Proceedings of the 15th ICDE Conf.

    3. Evaluation of clustering results
    HALKIDI, M., BATISTAKIS, Y., VAZIRGIANNIS, M. Cluster Validity Methods: Part I & II", SIGMOD Rec, June 2002
    ( http://www.db-net.aueb.gr/index.php/corporate/content/download/197/629/file/HBV_SIGREC02(I).pdf and http://www.db-net.aueb.gr/index.php/corporate/content/download/198/636/file/HBV_SIGREC02(II).pdf )

    4. Clustering in biology
    MADEIRA, S.C. OLIVEIRA, A.L. Biclustering algorithms for biological data analysis: a survey. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 1(1), 24-45.

    5. Clustering text databases
    BEIL, F., ESTER, M., XU, X. 2002. Frequent Term-Based Text Clustering. In Proceedings of the eighth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining

    6. Clustering WWW pages
    WULFEKUHLER, M. AND PUNCH, W. 1997. Finding salient features for personal web page categories. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on the World Wide Web.

    7. Clustering book collections
    MURTY, M. N. AND JAIN, A. K. 1995. Knowledge-based clustering scheme for collection management and retrieval of library books. Pattern Recogn. 28, 949–964.

    8. Clustering satellite images
    FABER, V., HOCHBERG, J. C., KELLY, P. M., THOMAS, T. R., AND WHITE, J. M. 1994. Concept extraction: A data-mining technique. Los Alamos Science 22, 122–149.