After a two-year gap due to COVID, we were able to host a graduation ceremony for our students. The graduated students were awarded degrees in-person.
Congratulations to Mohsan Jameel for successfully defending his PhD dissertation titled "Edge Machine Learning – Fast Model Averaging for Decentralized Model Training".
Congratulations to Jonas Sonntag for successfully defending his PhD dissertation titled "Enabling Smart Parking Services with Machine Learning ".
Congratulations to our masters students Christian Löwens, Inaam Ashraf, Alexander Gembus, Genesis Cuizon for publishing their findings from our yearly student research projects in a paper titled "Solving the Traveling Salesperson Problem with Precedence Constraints by Deep Reinforcement Learning" (paper) at the 45th German conference on Artificial Intelligence! Abstract: This work presents solutions to the Traveling Salesperson Problem with precedence constraints (TSPPC) using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) by adapting recent approaches that work well for regular TSPs. Common to these approaches is the use of graph models based on multi-head attention layers. One idea for solving the pickup and delivery problem (PDP) is using heterogeneous attentions to embed the different possible roles each node can take. In this work, we generalize this concept of heterogeneous attentions to the TSPPC. Furthermore, we adapt recent ideas to sparsify attentions for better scalability. Overall, we contribute to the research community through the application and evaluation of recent DRL methods in solving the TSPPC. Our code is available (here)
CITY CYCLING is a competition that involves completing as many daily journeys as possible in an environmentally-friendly manner using your bike over a 21-day period. Whether you ride every day or cycled only rarely until now. Every kilometer counts – and even more so if you would have completed the journey by car otherwise. Last year, the "University of Hildesheim" team was able to take 1st place in the category "Team with the most participants" and 2nd place in the category "Team with the absolute cycling kilometers" at the district level. This competition aims to help people be more active, lower their carbon footprint, and encourage a more bike-friendly city infrastructure. This year Data Analytics would like to participate as a sub-team under the university of Hildesheim team. At the end of the 21 days, the aggregated kilometers completed by the sub-team would show our contribution to the challenge.
The topic of our retreat this year was to explore various research areas and investigate possible gaps in the current literature that can be worked upon. The topics included Debiasing Neural Networks, Vehicle Routing problems and time-series forecasting. The 4-day retreat enabled us to start the literature review in these areas and start prototyping the models.
Congratulations to our masters students Ahmad Bdeir, Simon Boeder, Tim Dernedde and Kirill Tkachuk for publishing their findings from our yearly student research projects in a paper titled "RP-DQN: An Application of Q-Learning to Vehicle Routing Problems" (paper) at the 44th German conference on Artificial Intelligence! Abstract: In this paper we present a new approach to tackle complex routing problems with an improved state representation that utilizes the model complexity better than previous methods. We enable this by training from temporal differences. Specifically Q-Learning is employed. We show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance for autoregressive policies that sequentially insert nodes to construct solutions on the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). Additionally, we are the first to tackle the Multiple Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) with Reinforcement Learning (RL) and demonstrate that this problem type greatly benefits from our approach over other Machine Learning (ML) methods.
During the Berufseinstiegswoche, our very own Alexander Busch will be talking about his entry into the full-time career life after graduating from our program. He is currently working at Hannover RE SE Insurance as a Data Scientist. He will be sharing experience and responsibilities at a reinsurance company. The session will be conducted online and requires prior registration, please click here to sign up.
Every year our students take part in a year-long research-driven project. This project aims to enable the students to tackle a machine learning problem and design their solution as guided by the state of the art methods being employed in research. After this project, they present their work to their peers and showcase the learning outcomes of their hard work. This year we will be having our SRPCONF2020 online. The schedule for this can be found here. A brief description of the projects can be found here
Our student Riccardo Lucato and his co authors Jonas Falkner and Lars Schmidt-Thieme have had their paper titled "An Efficient Evolutionary Solution to the joint Order Batching - Order Picking Planning Problem" accepted in " GECCO-2020, Track: Evolutionary Combinatorial Optimization and Metaheuristics - Genetic Algorithms"
In the economic cycle of a company, warehouse management is known to be one of the most labor-intensive and costly activities. In fact, nearly all the operations performed in a typical warehouse are to some extent related to order picking, the class of actions aimed at fetching items from their storage locations. This is a burdensome procedure that significantly impacts the sale price of the merchandise. Procedural efficiency can only be attained by solving various combinatorial problems, amidst which particular prominence is assumed by the Order Batching Problem (OBP) and the Order Picking Planning Problem (OPP). Previous research in the field has either focused on solving the two problems separately or proposed two-stages optimization algorithms. Failing to consolidate the two components, both approaches are bound to return sub-optimal solutions. The present work amends such gap in the State of the Art by proposing an innovative Genetic Algorithm for Joint Optimization (GAJO), which optimizes the integrated Order Batching - Order Picking Planning Problem. Through a case study performed on one of the warehouses of a well-known German retail company, the proposed GAJO is shown to be both more effective and considerably faster than the baseline models.
12th of July 2019 at 6 pm Center for World Music, Timotheuskirche
With the summer of 2018, the Pioneering batch of Masters in Data Analytics saw it's first graduates complete their studies and head off into industry and academia. On the 12th of July 2019, ISMLL hosted their first and annual "Program Director's Garden party. The event was held in order to meet and greet the homecoming alumni and to confer on them their certificates and graduation caps. Pictures of this event will be shared shortly.
Dr. Uwe Bretschneider will be giving his talk on Tuesday, 18th of June 2019 at 6 pm (room B 26 Samelson Campus)
In the past years, promising academic results were achieved in the field of data science. Supported by technological progress and methodological advancement, companies realize the potential and benefits that can result from applying machine learning approaches on their data to drive business-decisions. However, while projects successfully reach a proof-of-concept stage in a lab environment, the transformation to a software or data product that creates value is challenging. At Volkswagen Financial Services AG, several obstacles were identified, especially the missing technological foundations to operationalize machine learning models. The goal of the presentation is to provide an overview of technological and organizational challenges related to the transformation process of machine learning models from a lab environment to production-grade software. In a second step, a prototype based on Python is developed to operationalize a machine learning model in a REST-based endpoint.
Nicolas Schilling will defend his thesis on "Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization - Relational and Scalable Surrogate Models for Hyperparameter Optimization Across Problem Instances". The defence will take place on Tuesday. 12.03.2019 in room B 26 (SPL)
Prof. Dr. Frank Hutter will be giving his talk on Monday, 11th of March 2019 from 6 pm - 8 pm (room B 26)
The performance of deep neural networks heavily depends on the chosen network architectures and their hyperparameters. In this talk, I will discuss methods for effective optimization in this combined space, thereby paving the way to fully automated end-to-end deep learning. Next, to several competition-winning AutoML systems, I will discuss BOHB, a robust and efficient multi-fidelity hyperparameter optimization system that is parallelizable and applicable to tuning a wide range of methods, including AutoML systems, convolutional neural networks, Bayesian neural networks, and deep reinforcement learning. I will also discuss a novel approach for learning to design RNA using deep reinforcement learning (RL), in which we used BOHB to jointly tune the RL agent's state representation, its policy network's architecture, and its hyperparameters, yielding a clear new state-of-the-art in RNA design.
ISMLL hosted the 2nd Annual SRP Conference to showcase the projects undertaken by the students as part of their degree. The aim of the SRP is to give the students hands-on experience with conducting a research-driven project from the ground up. The students presented their work in areas including automated driving, computer vision, and healthcare.
Martin Wistuba defended his thesis on "Automated Machine Learning, Bayesian Optimization, Meta-Learning & Applications". The whole ISMLL team and its leader Prof. Dr. Dr. Lars Schmidt-Thieme congratulate and say cheers!
[13.12.2017] Final Presentations: Student Research Projects 2017
Final Presentations for Student Research Projects year 2017 will take place on Wednesday 13 Dec 2017 14:00 - 17:25
at L 131 (Aula Bühler-Campus, Lübecker Straße 1, Hildesheim). [ detailed schedule ].
[30.11.2017] PhD Studentship and Postdoctoral Position available
Applications are invited for a full-time PhD and for a post-doctoral research
position at the Information Systems and Machine Learning Lab (ISMLL), Computer
Science Department, University of Hildesheim, Germany. The position is available
to be filled immediately and offers tenures of three years. The salary amounts
to TV-L E13 (roughly 40.000 EUR per year). [more]
Contact: Lars Schmidt-Thieme,Lydia Voß
[18.05.2017] Summer inter 2017 (DAAD-WISE)
Mr. Dripta Roychaudhuri joined ISMLL as an intern student from India under DAAD-WISE Scholarship.
[18.01.2017] PhD position position available
Applications are invited for a full-time PhD research position at
the Information Systems and Machine Learning Lab (ISMLL), Computer
Science Department, University of Hildesheim, Germany. The position
is available to be filled immediately and offers tenures of three
years. The salary amounts to TV-L E13 (roughly 40.000 EUR per year).
The ISMLL team consisting of Martin Wistuba, Nghia Duong-Trung and Nicolas Schilling has won the bank branch visit prediction task in this year's ECML/PKDD Discovery Challenge! The task was to predict for roughly 350 Hungarian banks how often a user will visit them for a new year, given the data of the old year. To do so, a log of transactions of the past year was given as well as other features of the customers, such as the place where they live and their wealthiness. The three main pillars of success were "a strong ensemble model such as xgboost, a smart feature engineering and an intense hyperparameter search" according to Wistuba. The whole ISMLL team proudly congratulates!!
The students of Master program Data Analytics were invited by Hildesheim’s mayor Dr. Ingo Meyer to the City Hall.
[08.03.2016] Best paper award for ISMLL's internship student Mit Shah
Our internship student of last year has won the best paper award at the ACM IKDD Conference on Data Science, 2016, with his paper on "Learning DTW-Shapelets for Time-Series Classification". Congratulations, Mit!
Today, Josif Grabocka successfully defendes his doctoral thesis on the topic of "Invariant Features for Time Series Classification". The whole ISMLL team and its leader Prof. Dr. Dr. Lars Schmidt-Thieme congratulate and say cheers!
[01.09.2015] Summer School Robotics 2015
As it has become a yearly tradition, ISMLL also provided a course "Robotics" for the computer summer school 2015 of the university of Hildesheim for children with ages ranging from 12 to 15.
The course instructors Kristin Kutzner and Nicolas Schmidt gave an introduction to robotics by explaining
simple robots and their programming at the example of Lego Mindstorm robots. Furthermore, the participants created several own robots to execute tasks like navigating through a labyrinth and removing barriers.
[25.02.2015] REDUCTION awarded excellent!
The ISMLL-coordinated FP7 project Reduction has successfully completed. The project innovated and tested groundbreaking methodologies in terms of Ecological Routing, Driving Behavior Adaptation, Multimodal Routing and V2X communications. Therefore, the European Commission officially assessed that REDUCTION achieved an "Excellent progress" by fully accomplishing its objectives and exceeding the expectations.
The Reduction project successfully held its final review meeting in Aalborg, Denmark, on October 29, 2014. The achievements of the project in the areas of ecological routing and ecological driver behavior adaptation are highly qualitative. University of Hildesheim coordinated a multinational consortium of 9 institutions from 5 countries, and furthermore contributed scientifically in analysis eco-driving behaviors for trains.
[07.07.2014] Newspaper article in Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung about ISMLL's research
In the newspaper of Thursday, 21st of August an article about the research conducted at ISMLL can be found. The article details on the research of our recently graduated colleague Rasoul Karimi . For more Information find the article as PDF Scan here.
At July 4 the Workshop on Feedback from Multimodal Interactions in Learning Management Systems (FFMI@EDM 2014) took place at the 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining in London. The workshop was organised by ISMLL for the project iTalk2Learn. The iTalk2Learn project was represented in this workshop by 2 different talks about emotion and affect recognition in intelligent tutoring systems. Overall, the workshop was a full success with about 25 participants and very interesting and fruitful discussions about Multimodal Interactions in Learning Management Systems.
[13-05-2014] Oberseminar talk: Moritz Gutowski (BSc WI) talks about Evaluierung von Algorithmen und Techniken zum Spielen und Lösen von Dots and Boxes
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, unterschiedliche Algorithmen und Techniken vorzustellen und zu vergleichen, die verwendet werden, um das Papier-und-Stift-Spiel Dots and Boxes (dt. Käsekästchen) zu lösen oder erfolgreich zu spielen.
In diesem First-Idea-Talk wird das Spiel vorgestellt und in der kombinatorischen Spieltheorie eingeordnet. Es folgt eine Vorstellung der für Dots and Boxes spezifischen Techniken, wie Ketten und Symmetrie. Abschließend folgt eine erste Übersicht und Vorstellung der in der Arbeit zu evaluierenden Algorithmen z.B. Retrograde Analyse oder die Minimax-Algorithmus-Varianten Negamax und Alpha-Beta-Suche.
[24-04-2014] Invited talk:
Prof. Dr. Ulf Brefeld of the Knowledge Mining and Assessment Group of TU Darmstadt talks about Summarising Related Sentences
We cast multi-sentence compression as a structured prediction task.
Related sentences are represented by a word graph and every path in
the graph is a (more or less meaningful) summary of the collection. We
propose to adapt shortest path algorithms to the data at hand so that
the shortest path realises the best possible summary of a collection
of related sentences. We report on empirical results and compare our
approach to state-of-the-art baselines using word graphs.
Time and place:
24.04.14, 12:00-14:00, room B26, Samelsonplatz.
[31-03-2014] DISPUTATION: The disputation of Mr. Lucas Rego Drumond for Dr. rer. nat. with the dissertation "Factorization Models for Multi-Relational Data" takes place 14:00 in room B 26 at Samelsonplatz.
[25-03-2014] Oberseminar Talks:
Lars Künnemann (MSc IMIT) speaks about Hyperparameter Optimierung mit Hilfe von Gauss Prozessen
Jan Stapel (BSc IMIT) speaks about Mining Pattern Bitmaps for Time Series Anomaly Detection
[21-03-2014] DISPUTATION: The disputation of Mr. Rasoul Karimi, M. Sc. for Dr. rer. nat. with the dissertation "Active Learning for Recommender Systems" takes place 10:00 in room B 26 at Samelsonplatz.
[12-03-2014] News paper article about ISMLL projects: In the Hildesheimer
Allgemeinen Zeitung was an article about Reduction and
[11-03-2014] Oberseminar Talk: Michael Kessler (MSc IMIT) speaks about An Empirical Survey of Image Feature Representations for Embedded Traffic Sign Recognition
[10-03-2014] CeBIT: ISMLL is at CeBIT with the projects Reduction and iTalk2Learn. Please visit us in Hall 9 at booth C28.
[18-02-2014] Oberseminar Talk: Rodion Marx (MSc IMIT) speaks about Personalisiertes Empfehlungssystem für Fahrzeugkonfiguratoren unter Verwendung eines Faktorisierungsmodells
[28-01-2014] Oberseminar Talk: Christoph Herrmann (BSc WI) speaks about Evaluierung von Heuristiken angewandt in der Bidirectional BFIDA*-Suche für Peg Solitaire
Der Vortrag behandelt die Untersuchung der Effizienzen verschiedener Heuristiken angewandt auf das Brettspiel Peg Solitaire. Die Ergebnisse liefert dabei der Suchalgorthmus Bidirectional BFIDA*. Es wird zuerst kurz erläutert, wie sich die drei Einzelteile des Algorithmus (Breitensuche, IDA*, Bidirektionale Suche) zusammensetzen lassen. Anschließend wird auf das Brettspiel Peg Solitaire eingegangen, um kurz das Spiel und alle suchrelevanten Eigenschaften aufzuzeigen. Im Anschluss wird die Anwendung der Bidirektionalen BFIDA*-Suche auf Peg Solitaire beschrieben. Es folgen die durchgeführten Experimente und deren Auswertung für drei verschieden Formen des Spielbrettes. Abgeschlossen wird der Vortrag mit einem Fazit und Ausblick.
[17-09-2013] Oberseminar Talk: Jan Stapel (BSc IMIT) speaks about
Mining Pattern Bitmaps for Time Series Anomaly Detection
Wherever a natural or technological process needs to be observed, sensors are applied to submit real valued measurements which are indicating its status at a certain time. Many such recordings, denoted as time-series, contain abnormal patterns. However, since a domain expert is an expensive resource, automatic approaches are needed to find anomalies in those time series. The aim of this thesis is to review two comparable algorithms for anomaly detection in time series. This include the implementation and evaluation of the both methods. In this talk the first results of the thesis will be presented.
[10-09-2013] Oberseminar Talk: Martin Wistuba (ISMLL, Uni Hildesheim) speaks about Move Prediction in Go - Modeling Feature Interactions Using Latent Factors
Move prediction systems have always been part of strong Go programs. Recent research has revealed that taking interactions between features into account improves the performance of move predictions. In this paper, a factorization model is applied and a supervised learning algorithm, Latent Factor Ranking (LFR), which enables to consider these interactions, is introduced. Its superiority will be demonstrated in comparison to other state-of-the-art Go move predictors. LFR improves accuracy by 3% over current state-of-the-art Go move predictors on average and by 5% in the middle- and endgame of a game. Depending on the dimensionality of the shared, latent factor vector, an overall accuracy of over 41% is achieved.
[13-08-2013] Oberseminar Talks:
Johann Witkowski (Bachelor thesis) speaks about Continuous Integration und Unit-Tests für Empfehlungssysteme
Die Continuous Integration Praxis findet in der Softwareentwicklung Verwendung und wird dafür eingesetzt die Qualität der zu entwickelnden Software zu erhöhen. Bestimmte Leitsätze dieser Praxis, vereint mit einem Continuous Integration Server verhindern gezielt viele Probleme, die bei der klassischen Softwareentwicklung entstehen können. Dabei werden unter anderem automatisch Tests durchgeführt, die die Software auf ihr Soll-Verhalten prüfen sollen. Dieses Konzept wurde auf die Entwicklung von Empfehlungssystemen erweitert, indem automatisiert Machine Learning Experimente durchgeführt wurden. Dabei muss über die enstehenden Probleme diskutiert werden, da die Eigenschaften der Experimente den Leitsätzen der Continuous Integration Praxis widersprechen.
Lars Künnemann (Master thesis) speaks about Hyperparameter Optimierung mit Hilfe von Gauss Prozessen
Viele Machine Learning Methoden müssen mit Hyperparametern konfiguriert werden, um brauchbare Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Diese Hyperparametersuche übernehmen in der Regel Experten auf dem jeweiligen Fachgebiet oder lässt sich mit Brute-Force-Verfahren (Grid Suche) bestimmen, die allerdings eine sehr lange Zeit zur Bestimmung der besten Hyperparameterkombination benötigen, insbesondere wenn die Anzahl der Hyperparameter hoch ist.
Das Ziel dieser Masterarbeit wird es sein, mit Hilfe des sog. Gaussian Process die Hyperparametersuche effizienter zu gestalten im Vergleich zu einem Brute-Force-Verfahren. Durch einen Gaussian Process wird der nächste zu testende Wert des gesuchten Hyperparameters bestimmt, der wahrscheinlich zu einem besserem Ergebnis führen wird. Der Vortrag beinhaltet die ersten Ansätze und Versuche das genannte Ziel zu erreichen.
Christian Brauch got the Fachbereichs4-Preis for the best master thesis in 2012. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr.Dr. Lars Schmidt-Thieme and Lucas Drumond and treats "Recommender System for Cars".
The ISMLL congratulates!
[25-06-2013] Oberseminar Talk: Michael Kessler (Master project IMIT) speaks about Classifier comparison for optical character recognition on road signs
The image-based recognition of road signs is an important research area in the Robert Bosch GmbH. Within this project thesis, different classification methods for the detection of road signs, particularly of supplementary road signs (additional panels) were analyzed, evaluated and compared with each other. Additional panels appear as supplements to threat-, right of way-, prohibition-, mandatory-, information-, and directional- signs and show text (characters) and pictograms (lorries, trailers, cars, arrows, etc.). The Bosch-internal traffic sign database contains 4547 labeled images of additional panels, together with the location information of all depicted characters/pictograms.
The classifier comparison has been done using freely available implementations of Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and Convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Also different image pre-processing methods such as contrast normalization, thresholding and virtual training data were applied and evaluated.
The ISMLL congratulates!
[18-06-2013] Oberseminar Talk: Neelava Sengupta (ISMLL, Uni Hildesheim) speaks about Research and overview of project iTalk2Learn-'Talk, Tutor, Explore, Learn: Intelligent Tutoring and Exploration for Robust Learning'
iTalk2Learn is an EU project and is part of 7th framework program. During a three year working period a platform will be developed that will teach young learners (5-11 years) mathematics. The utilized technology is really innovative and will be able to recognize which is the best exercise for that particular student. Moreover, it allows to create more intuitive interfaces based on speech interacting. The use of natural language, instead of Keyboard and Mouse, will be helpful to young children, who are not already familiar with the written form. The presentation will give a short overview of the project along with the scientific work done and planned in the current stage.
Contact: Neelava Sengupta, Carlotta Schatten, Lars Schmidt-Thieme
So far two articles about REMIX have been published:
- In the website of the university:Digitaler Museumsführer: Forschungsprojekt bringt innovative Technik ins Museum
- In the journal of RFID-ready :RFID- und ZigBee-Technologie als individueller Tourguide für Museumsbesucher
We wish him best of luck for his future endeavours.
We wish him best of luck for his future endeavours.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Lars Schmidt-Thieme will have a tutorial in the KDD conference Prof. Dr. Dr. Lars Schmidt-Thieme jointly with Prof. Dr. Steffen Rendle, will have a tutorial in the KDD-2012 conference. The title of the tutorial is "Factorization Models for Recommender Systems and Other Applications". Further information is available here
Prof. Dr. Alexandros Nanopoulos moves to the University of
Prof. Dr. Alexandros Nanopoulos will leave the ISMLL at the end of April for his new position at the University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. There, he will
continue his excellent research and teaching activities at the economic and business science faculty. We thank Prof. Nanopoulos for 7 outstanding semesters
at our department and wish him and his family all the best for the next stage in their lives.
ISMLL at CeBIT 2012: You are welcome to visit our booth at Halle 9 C50. We plan to demonstrate the REMIX project there.
ISMLL organizes GfKL 2012: The University of Hildesheim together with the Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg hosts in August 2012 the 36th Annual Conference (GfKl 2012) of the German Classification Society - Gesellschaft für Klassifikation (GfKl). The GfKl 2012 focuses on advances in data analysis, statistics, knowledge discovery and machine learning. Problems from data analysis in marketing, finance, bistatistics, bioinformatics and interdisciplinary domains are considered. The GfKl 2012 is an event with strong international attendance. With the conference program high synergistic effects shall be reached by theoretically as well as use-oriented contributions. Another important goal of the GfKl is to motivate young researchers to work in the field of data analysis, statistics, knowledge discovery and machine learning. Further information is available here .
Travel grant for SIGIR 2011 in Peking.: Christoph Freudenthaler, co-author with Prof. Dr. Steffen Rendle, Zeno Gantner and Prof. Dr. Lars Schmidt-Thieme was awarded a travel grant for SIGIR 2011 from the correspondent organisation for their paper Fast Context-aware Recommendations with Factorization Machines.
Student Travel Grant Award at IJCNN 2011 Conference in San Jose, California, USA: Thai-Nghe Nguyen, co-author with Zeno Gantner, was awarded from the International Neural Network Society for their paper A New Evaluation Measure for Learning from Imbalanced Data.
ISMLL offers new PhD position and Postdoc position.
Applications are invited for a full-time PhD and post-doctoral
research position at the Information Systems and Machine Learning
Lab (ISMLL), Computer Science Department, University of Hildesheim,
Germany. Both positions are available to be filled immediately and
offer tenures of three years. The salary amounts to German TV-L
E13/E14, which is roughly 40.000 to 50.000 Euro gross income per
The ISMLL researches in Adaptive Tutoring Systems, especially Recommender Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning since a couple of years. At the International Conference on Computer Supported Education 2011 (CSEDU 2011) the team of ISMLL won the best-student-paper-award for the paper entitled "Matrix and Tensor Factorization for Predicting Student Performance". Thai-Nghe Nguyen and Lucas Drumond, who are the first and second authors, are PhD students under supervision of Dr. Tomáš Horváth and Prof. Dr. Dr. Lars Schmidt-Thieme.
New lecture Advanced topics in Machine Learning in summer 2011: The ISMLL is pleased to announce the new lecture Advanced topics in Machine Learning for summer 2011. The lecture will follow recent research topics in machine learning from the last years. Basic knowledge from the Machine Learning lecture is advisable, but not required.
No lecture 'Semantic Web' in summer 2011 Congratulations to Steffen Rendle for his juniorprofessorship at the University of Konstanz! Sadly, his previously announced lecture "Semantic Web" cannot be held by him for obvious reasons. We apologize for this.
CeBIT: Visit by the science minister: Among the many visitors at our CeBIT booth, Lower Saxony's minister of science and culture, Mrs. Johanna Wanka, informed herself about the activities of our lab in the area of multimedia recommender systems. Mrs. Wanka was quite impressed by the results of the EU project MyMedia. A mathematician by training, she was particulary interested in the statistical learning methods for recommender systems that we develop at the University of Hildesheim's Information Systems and Machine Learning Lab (ISMLL).
If you want to visit us at CeBIT, send an e-mail to for free tickets. You can find us in hall H 9 at booth B 24.
A project proposal about Multirelational Factorization Models at the Information Systems and Machine Learning Lab (ISMLL) of Prof. Dr. Dr. Lars Schmidt-Thieme at University of Hildesheim has been granted by the German Research Council (DFG). [more]
The project will run for three years from 2011 - 2014. More information will be available here as the project proceeds.
The ISMLL researches in time series classification since a couple of years. At the international conference on Computational Science and Engineering the team of Prof. Lars Schmidt-Thieme was able to win the best-paper-award for its outstanding paper entitled "Time-Series Classification based on Individualised Error Prediction". Krisztian Buza, who is the first author of the paper says: "I am proud that our work arouse the interest within an broader community of computer scientists. I studiedt the classification of time series during my my visiting semester at the University of Karlsruhe. Back home at the TU Budapest I deepend my knowledge within further lectures. From the very first moment I was fascinated by the problem which is why I started researching it as a PhD candidate at the University of Hildesheim.
ISMLL team wins awards at movie recommendation challenge: ISMLL members Zeno Gantner and Steffen Rendle, supervised by Lars Schmidt-Thieme, received two awards at the Context-aware Movie Recommendation Challenge (CAMRa), which was held at the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems in Barcelona. Goal of the challenge was to recommend individual movies for visitors of the website in a certain period, e.g. the Christmas week. In the 'Live Evaluation' track, the quality of the recommendations was judged by users after watching the movies. This is in contrast to the usual evaluation in such challenges, which is often based on simulated users and records of past user behavior.
MyMedia Project at IBC in Amsterdam: The ISMLL and the MyMedia project partners present the project's research result at this year's International Broadcasting Convention in Amsterdam, one of the leading trade shows in the broadcasting sector.
Lecture "Spatial Analysis" also in winter term 2010/11: The lecture Spatial Analysis will be read next winter term 2010/2011. The time and place of this lecture will be announced soon.
Best Paper Award at WWW2010 in Raleigh, North Carolina:
Steffen Rendle and
Christoph Freudenthaler gained for their paper
Factorizing Personalized Markov Chains for Next-Basket Recommendation
the Best Paper Award at the
19th World-Wide-Web Conference (WWW 2010) in Raleigh, North Carolina.
ISMLL is involved in several research projects for Recommender Systems:
MyMedia und LEFOS.
Student Travel Grant Award at IEEE WCCI IJCNN 2010 in Barcelona, Spain: Thai-Nghe Nguyen, co-author with Zeno Gantner, has got this award from the International Neural Network Society for their paper Cost-Sensitive Learning Methods for Imbalanced Data
ISMLL is involved in several research projects in the area of recommender systems: MyMedia and LEFOS.
ISMLL group wins this year's ECML/PKDD discovery challenge:
The University of Hildesheim will not be easily forgotten after this year's ECML/PKDD discovery challenge ...
... [mehr]
Information Extraction at IFCS 2009:
We organize the Session on Information Extraction and Information Retrieval at the
Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies.
... [more]
EFRE Project - Lernende Empfehlungssysteme für Online-Shops (LEFOS):
The LEFOS project has started in April 2009.
... [more]