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Veranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2009/10 / Literatur Seminar KI+ML


If topic hasone paper, you should select two topics.

0. Introduction
What is RoboCup?.

1. Support Vector Machine
a. Application of SVMs for Colour Classification and Collision Detection with AIBO Robots, NIPS 2003
b. Decision-Making of Football Agents with Support Vector Machine, UKACC Control Conference, 2008

2. Unsupervised Learning
Sequential Pattern Mining for Situation and Behavior Prediction in Simulated Robotic Soccer, RoboCup, 2005

3. Decision Tree
a. Learning Coaching Advice to improve playing skills in RoboCup, AAMAS, 2006
b. RoboCup Agent Learning from Observations with Hierarchical Multiple Decision Trees, PRIMA, 2002

4. Neural Network, Decision Tree, and Reinforcement Learning
A Layered Approach to Learning Client Behaviors in the RoboCup Soccer Server, journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence

5. Ensemble Learning
Boosting Expert Ensembles for Rapid Concept Recall, AAAI, 2006

6. Ensemble Learning and Support Vector Machine
Semantic parsing with structured SVM ensemble classification models, COLING/ACL, 2006

7. Neural Network
Visual Robot Detection in RoboCup using Neural Networks, RoboCup Symposium, 2006

8. K-Nearest Neighbour
Similarity-based Opponent Modelling Using Imperfect Domain Theories, IEEE CIG, 2005