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People: Rosa Tsegaye Aga, M.Sc.
Phone, Fax, Email:
Phone: +49 5119 2962586
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Visitor address:
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30539 Hannover,


  • Rosa Tsegaye Aga, Christian Wartena, Otto Lange, Nelleke Aders (2017):
    Automatic Identification of Synonym Relations in the Dutch Parliament's Thesaurus, in Archives of Data Science Journal, Series A, issn 2363-9881. PDF
  • Rosa Tsegaye Aga, Lucas Drumond, Christian Wartena, Lars Schmidt-Thieme (2016):
    Integrating Distributional and Lexical Information for Semantic Classification of Words using MRMF , in Proceedings of COLING 2016, 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics , , pp. 2708–2717 .
  • Rosa Tsegaye Aga, Christian Wartena, Lucas Drumond, Lars Schmidt-Thieme (2016):
    Learning Thesaurus Relations from Distributional Features , in Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016) , European Language Resources Association (ELRA) , pp. 442-446 .
  • Rosa Tsegaye Aga, Christian Wartena (2016):
    CogALex-V Shared Task: HsH-Supervised--Supervised similarity learning using entry wise product of context vectors, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon/ COLING 2016, , pp. 114-118.
  • Rosa Tsegaye Aga, Christian Wartena, Michael Franke-Maier (2016):
    Automatic Recognition and Disambiguation of Library of Congress Subject Headings, in International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, Springer, pp. 442-446.
  • Rosa Tsegaye Aga, Christian Wartena (2015):
    Constructing Concept Clouds from Company Websites, in i-KNOW '15, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business, ACM, pp. 34-38.