Internet Economy (IE) refers to conducting business through markets whose infrastructure is based on the Internet and World-Wide Web. In this lecture we will examine computational methods that find application in IE, giving emphasis on practical applications of theoretical knowledge and getting hands-on experience with real applications and software tools. We are going to study the following topics:
1. Search Engine Marketing: Analyzing and Understanding Usersʹs Behavior, Web Analytics, Search Engine Marketing and Optimization, AdWords, AdSense, Click Fraud
2. Marketing in Social Web: Blog Analysis and Aggregation, Opinion Mining; Recommender Systems, Reputation Systems; Wikis and Collaborative Production
3. Network Analysis: Small world phenomena, Graph structure of the web, Viral marketing and the blogosphere
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Alexandros Nanopoulos
Übungen: Josif Grabocka, M.Sc.