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Projects & Cooperations / Cu2RVE:

Curriculum rooted and cumulative development of digital skills of future teachers (Cu2RVE)

The project "curriculum rooted and cumulative development of digital skills of future teachers" (Cu2RVE) pursues the goal of systematically anchoring the teaching of digitization-related skills to all future teachers in the curriculum in the teacher training programs. The six "Competences in the digital world" of the KMK strategy paper "Education in the digital world" serve as the competence framework for the project.

Main goals of the project

Development of exemplary lecture units for digitization supported teaching
  • Joint development with partner schools
  • Empirical evaluation of the effects in a model experiment
  • Documentation of the sequences in teaching videos and accompanying teaching materials for use in university teaching
  • … and use as curricular building blocks for university teaching.
  • For preparation courses for school internships (SPSS, ASP)
  • Empirical evaluation of the effects in a model experiment
  • As appropriate, anchoring in future study regulations
  • Adaptation of the building blocks for teacher programs
Development of an entry diagnostic for competences in the digital world for students in the first semester to group students for an adaptive basic qualification on two performance levels.
The ISMLLs part in the project is to develop a web based platform that enables students and teachers to digitally annotate and analyze lecture recordings.
Project Page
Contact: cu2rve@uni-hildesheim.de