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Veranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2015 / Bachelor-Seminar: User Identification

User identification was traditionally done by means of biological measurements (biometrics). Commonly used sources for biometrics are DNA, ear, face, facial-, hand- and hand vein infrared thermogram, fingerprint, gait, hand and finger geometry, iris, keystroke, odor, palmprint, retinal scan, signature or voice. Biometrics can be divided into two groups: primary biometric traits (like face, fingerprint, hand-geometry, iris, etc.) and soft biometric traits (like gender, age, height, weight, ethnicity, and eye color. However, as the registration of biometrics is not very user-friendly, nowadays more and more approaches using unobtrusive measurements are proposed for user identification. Examples are the user identification by gesture recognition proposed in [Mäntylä et al., 2000], the keystroke-based user identification in [Zahid et al., 2009], the gait recognition by means of accelerometers described in [Derawi et al., 2010] or the user identification approach using touch-screen biometrics (lock pattern dynamics) presented in [Angulo and Wästlund, 2012]. Approaches using multiple sensors for a passive user identification are proposed in [Shi et al., 2011] and [Lee and Lee, 2015]. In [Chen and Hong, 2007] users are identified based on game-play activity patterns, or on their idle time distribution respectively. Those user recognition approaches using unobtrusive measurements analyse behavioural patterns of users over some certain time period for deciding if it is the authorised user or not.

In this seminar we want to investigate those user identification approaches using soft biometrics and unobtrusive measurements. Each student gets one paper from this area and shall present, interpret and classify it. For this purpose a seminar paper and a talk has to be prepared.

Slides Introduction

Writing hints

Example (pdf)

Latex template (zip)

Betreuer: Ruth Janning, Josif Grabocka
Zeit: Di 14-16
Ort: B 26
Beginn: 20.10.2015
Zuordnung:BSc WI & IMIT
Modul- Handbuch:MHB
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