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Courses in summer term 2009 / Seminar ML for Media Information Retrieval / Script:


    Content-based image retrieval: approaches and trends of the new age[PDF]
    Diversifying image search with user generated content [PDF]
    Learning tag relevance by neighbor voting for social image retrieval[PDF]
    "Inside the bible": segmentation, annotation and retrieval for a new browsing experience [PDF]
    A framework for classifier adaptation and its applications in concept detection [PDF]
    Regularized regression on image manifold for retrieval [PDF]
    To search or to label?: predicting the performance of search-based automatic image classifiers[PDF]
    Discriminant local features selection using efficient density estimation in a large database [PDF]
    Hybrid visual and conceptual image representation within active relevance feedback context [PDF]


    Optimizing video search reranking via minimum incremental information loss [PDF]
    A set theoretical method for video synopsis [PDF]
    Evaluating bag-of-visual-words representations in scene classification [PDF]
    Multi-modality web video categorization [PDF]
    Automatically selecting shots for action movie trailers [PDF]
    Regularized regression on image manifold for retrieval [PDF]
    Mining temporal patterns of movement for video content classification[PDF]


    Content-based mood classification for photos and music: a generic multi-modal classification framework and evaluation approach [PDF]
    Large-scale content-based audio retrieval from text queries [PDF]
    Combining audio-based similarity with web-based data to accelerate automatic music playlist generation [PDF]
    Inferring similarity between music objects with application to playlist generation [PDF]