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Courses in winter term 2008/2009 / Lecture Machine Learning: Lecture Notes
Lecture Notes

You may also have a look at the slides for last year's lecture.

   Regression (part 1)[PDF]27.10.2008
   Regression (part 2)[PDF]30.10.2008
   Classification (part 1: Introduction and LDA)[PDF]03.11.2008
   Classification (part 2: Perceptrons)[PDF]10.11.2008
   Classification (part 3: Logistic Regression)[PDF]13.11.2008
   Nearest Neighbor Classification[PDF]17.11.2008
   Decision Trees (part 1)[PDF]24.11.2008
   Decision Trees (part 2)[PDF]27.11.2008
   Clustering (part 1)[PDF]01.12.2008
   Clustering (part 2)[PDF]11.12.2008
   Clustering (part 3)[PDF]15.12.2008
   Association Rules (part 1)[PDF]05.01.2009
   Association Rules (part 2)[PDF]12.01.2009
   Classifikation with SVM[PDF]19.01.2009
   Ensemble Methods[PDF]22.01.2009

The exam will take place on Friday, 13.02.2009, 10:00-12:00 in room B26. If you want to participate or have any questions, send an email to Zeno Gantner.

The test is an open book exam; you are allowed to use books, lecture notes and a non-programmable calculator.

Time: Mon. 10-12 ct;
Thu. 10-12 ct*
Room: B26 Spl.
Start: Mon., October 21st
Time: Mon. 12-14 ct
Room: C202 Spl.
Start: Mon., October 27th
Time: Fri., February 13th, 10 am
Room: B26 Spl.
Duration: 120 minutes

(*) The lecture on Thursday is bi-weekly, starting October 30th.